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Initiation into the Incunabula

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Introduction - The Incunabula

In late May and early June of this year (2003), at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees, in Stresa, Italy, a supersecret conclave of about 600 of the wealthiest and most powerful people on Earth met behind closed doors in abject secrecy, to discuss and plan the fate of the world. Although the meetings have been going on since their first at their namesake Bilderberg Hotel in 1954, this confab was covered by only a smattering of European media, and by American Free Press in the US.

Other than that the entire North American media maintained a total and utter press black-out. Such is their power, and so much for the mythical “Free Press”. This year’s Bilderberger Conference attendees included
  • first timer Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
  • Donald Graham, CEO of the Washington Post
  • Indra K. Nooyi, CEO of PEPSICO
  • David Rockefeller
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Richard Perle, dual US/Israeli citizen and architect of the Iraq war
  • Vernon Jordan
  • Richard Holbrooke, key aide to John Kerry
  • and on and on...
There were unconfirmed rumors that George W. Bush, who may have taken a brief day trip to the meeting while in Rome, was called on the carpet by this group to explain his current policies on the Middle East which they think has “gotten out of hand”. But these fantastically wealthy and influential people are all simply puppets to the real power behind the throne. This year’s honorary Bilderberger chairman, Belgian Banker Etienne Davigon, acts as a liason and taskmaster for a board of 15 controlling inner members.

The highest ranking member, a Spanaird with longish, greying hair, known only by his code-name "15", is a brilliant scientist, whose brain has been cybernetically enhanced to unimaginable levels, and whom many consider the ruling C.E.O. of planet Earth. You will never see these peoples names or faces in the press or on a list of company board members or anywhere for that matter. Their identities are so secret that in many cases their deaths have been manufactured and they have been simply lifted from “existence”.

They are global architects of the MATRIX who control policy at the very highest levels, thinking DECADES ahead, rather than mere quarters, months or years. In many circles it means certain death to even whisper their name: THE INCUNABULA.

The credo for these members is like that from the popular motion picture:
“You will no identifying marks. You will not stand out in any way. Your entire image is crafted to leave no lasting memory with anyone you encounter. You are a rumor, recognizable only as Deja Vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don’t exist. You were never even born. Anonymity is your name, silence your native tongue. You are no longer part of the system. You are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. We are THEM. We are THEY. We ARE... The Men In Black.”
But HOW is this power attained and after that, maintained? A careful study of the methods of these Black Magicians can allow us to see through the veil, into the code of the MATRIX woven around us. With the veil lifted, it gives us wisdom, insight, and empowers us in all that we do and in how we deal with the web they have spun around us. Everybody loves a good mystery. So here is a little light summer reading for you my children. A story of a young man who awakens to a Brave New World where all is not as it seems. A series of lessons, given by the greatest, and most diabolical minds, on Earth, constructed to enlighten in a fanciful and imaginative way.

Are you sitting comfortably? Good.

And so... Once Upon a Time...

Read more....

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